If you need a foundation contractor in Berkeley, CA, our services includes any kind of residential and light commercial structural repair not limited to and including foundation repair and replacement, retaining walls, structural repair, basements, piers, baseline seismic retrofitting, engineered seismic retrofitting, soft story retrofits and drainage systems. Most of our work in Berkeley is on existing residential and light commercial structures. We often work with engineers on our projects. They call us the Cadillac of Contractors.
Approximately half of our foundation projects in Berkeley also involve structural repair. This work often requires engineered plans. We consult with engineers regarding design details. We have saved many clients unnecessary costs simply by knowing a less expensive way. However, we also feel that the engineer’s input is very important as work progresses. In the course of completing foundation repair or replacement we may be given a termite report to clear. No problem. This too is in our structural repair library of services. We also do new construction framing for additions and remodels.
Berkeley Services include:
Foundation Repair and Replacement
Structural Repairs
Basements and Water Management
Piers – Underpinning and New Construction
Earthquake/Seismic Upgrades
You’re Part of the Family
Our Alameda Structural Family is very important to us. If we have worked for you in the past, rest assured we will always be of service no matter how busy we are. This includes the many engineers and architects who use and refer our services. When you make the list, which by the way, everyone does, then you can relax and know you a company that will take care of your structural needs into the future.